
At Kored Infratech, our credo is simple. In helping our people grow, enabling our customers to succeed, and creating value for our stakeholders, we believe there are no half-measures. We do everything with the complete force of our skill, strength and conviction. It is only by pursing excellence that we keep our promises and add long-term value.

In addition to doing things right, we focus on doing the right things. We strive to be fair and transparent in everything we do. We are committed to creating a company that is known for the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. We respect the communities in which we operate and proactively find opportunities to give something back.

As a construction company, we are aware of the safety hazards our employees and those of our contractors face. We invest time and efforts in training our personnel on safety and occupational health procedures. We are committed to the goal of remaining a zero-harm workplace where there is no room for injuries and no loss of human life.

We love the planet and all the life it nourishes. We understand the finiteness of earth’s resources and respect the need to maintain its wonderful balance for future generations. We continuously seek ways to minimise our carbon footprint by improving energy efficiency, using low-carbon solutions, and eliminating waste, wherever possible.